What Is the Average Life of Split Air Conditioner?
Just like any other valuable home appliance, no one invests in a quality split air conditioner with the view of replacing it in a few years. The intention is to get as many years of service from the appliance as possible. Therefore it is normal to want to know the average lifespan of a split air conditioner before committing such a huge initial investment. This article aims to determine the average life of a split air conditioner and the main factors contributing to the AC’s lifespan. The Average Lifespan of a Split Air Conditioner According to air conditioner repair services providers, an air conditioner’s standard expected lifespan is 15 to…
Air Conditioning Repair Services: Tips On How To Save Money On Your Air Conditioning Bill
During the hot months of the year, everyone wants a cool house. If you have had your air conditioner for a long time, you will agree that the energy bill can quickly go up, and you end up with a hefty monthly bill to foot. Fortunately, it doesn’t always have to be this way. Air conditioning repair services providers observe that there are plenty of tips you can put into place and save money on your air conditioning bill. Some of these tips include: Pre-cool when you can If you are spending the next day in the house, pre-cool the house the night before by leaving the windows open.…